Arrival, roll on Spring

Well, it's finally here. After a nine month absence, spring is revisiting us once again, and I'm celebrating that fact and delighted to follow up my last post of winter, with this one. 

Although, between the sleet, snow, gales and occasional touch of sunshine, it's taken two weeks for my time off work to coincide with suitable weather opportunities to get outdoors. 

And what a day my first day has been today. A real chance to go and do. First task on the menu was the greenhouse, with the outside of it having fallen into a state of complete disrepair, where I patched it together with what ever materials I could find (at one point using pegs & an old sheet!). 

It did take two or three hours of work, putting the Perspex panels back in place, drilling holes to thread securing wire, redoing the door, etc.

Next on the menu was grass cutting. And plenty of it. The small back area didn't take long, however, the larger outer garden was another story. 

It took quite some time to do, and I still didn't get to do it all, although the smell of fresh cut grass certainly filled the senses. 

Next on the menu was edging of the smaller area, removing more of the winter debris and general all-round tidy up. 

Now although this garden is certainly not an early affair, there are spots of colour and interest to be seen. 

There is plenty of fresh growth too, which reminds me, I have some shrubs and a rose I want to transplant so I had better get on with that job. 

The bed I put in last year needs a good cleaning and freshening up, and the mixed herbaceous/ shrub / rose bed needs a thorough makeover. 

The veg & fruit area will get attention in time too (and it needs a lot of it!). I don't know about you, but I find I'm more inclined to work on the more immediate beds, borders, etc. first and then give attention else where. Once the soil warms up a touch more, I'll look at what veg and salad crops will go where for spring summer. 

My next task though is to bring the glasshouse back into action. 

Over winter I was using it as an area to store my wood for the stove, which is almost all gone, with a lot of the messy bits and pieces to clear up. 

A couple of panes of glass also need replacing, although I may improvise with materials I have to hand for the time being ...

For now though, I'm satisfied with the  work so far, and I'm certainly enjoying my first spring days in the garden.

Roll on spring!
